I started this post weeks ago but kept putting it off so here I am FINALLY finishing it! December was busy for us (like it is for most people). Busy taking care of the house, kids, shopping and Christmas shopping, and working almost everyday at Kohls. Pretty much everyday at Kohls was super busy! Lines and lines of people in the checkout line, cleaning up after people who leave piles and piles of clothes on the floor, people dumping stuff in the department because they decided not to buy it, babysit children because the parents don't pay attention to their kids climbing over and under the racks, the list goes on...don't get me wrong I like my job but during the holidays, I don't. December was also good with getting ready for Christmas, enjoying the nice weather, seeing how happy and excited the kids were for Christmas, looking at the Christmas lights and spending time with family on Christmas day! Here are a few pictures of what we did...
Kayla and Samantha making Christmas cookies
Kayla's 4th grade Christmas program. The theme was "The Night Before Christmas" where they wore their pjs, recited the poem and sang cute songs! Kayla is wearing pink and brown pjs close to the middle. They all did a great job!
The girls with their new pj's that they always open on Christmas Eve. Kayla's are Christmas/Wintery and Samantha's are Hello Kitty
Milk and cookies left for Santa...Santa thought they were delish!
Anyways, this is the only picture I took on Christmas morning. I took a lot of video but they are too big to post here. I really should of thought about taking more pictures.
Later that day we went over to my mom's house where we opened presents, ate a Italian dinner, and visited with family.
That's all for now, more later coming soon!