Thursday, May 14, 2009

My Dancing Princess

Samantha just finished her dance class last week where she learned tap, ballet and tumbling. She took the class with her 3 preschool friends; Rachel, Kami and Joelle. They had so much fun together! They had their recital last Friday and I thought she might get stage fright and not want to dance because we had problems the last time she took dance. But she was so excited and followed the teacher's every move as best as she could! I was so proud of her! They even made their own T-shirts for the recital. If you look closely Samantha wrote SAM at the top of her shirt, with the S written backwards! And I love how her tutu is on crooked! What a cutie pie!

Getting ready to tap dance!

Doin a little pose before the music starts!

Listening to the teacher very intently!


Rob N Amy said...

They look so cute. I really want to get Madi involved in stuff like that.

Sarah or Stephen said...

How fun! She looks so cute!

Melissa Braegger said...

They all look so cute-how fun:)

McKinley's said...

WOw! How did I miss this post!!! She looks like she is having so much fuN!