Friday, June 5, 2009

Daddy Daughter Time

This past Tuesday Kayla and Jake went to a Daddy Daughter activity at the church. The theme was "The Temple is a Paradise" They had tropical/Hawaiian decorations and some girls and their dads wore Hawaiian shirts/clothes. Kayla only had a shirt with a palm tree on it so that was good enough, Jake had nothing and I wasn't going to buy one for him when I know he'd only wear the one time. They combined the activity with a Recognition Night which is where the girls display a goal they've worked on or it could be things that show their talents. Kayla decided to display things she collects and her talent for drawing. I told Jake to make sure and take lots of pictures and videos. He did good! He got some videos of him and Kayla doing the hula which was hilarious to watch! They had a lot of fun doing the limbo and other fun things!

Yum, Yum eating some good food!

Kayla with her display table.

A closer view, her Webkinz collection(she has more at home), her rock collection(more at home), things from her favorite store the Rainforest Cafe and a folder with some of her drawings.

A couple of her drawings.


McKinley's said...

She is such a great artist!!! She should pursue that more!

Brent and Haley said...

What a great activity! It's wonderful to see kids take pride in their things as well as in how they present themselves.

Lacey said...

How fun- I remember those Daddy/Daughter Dates.

And her artwork is impressive! It's so cute too to see the things they value most. I always loved show and tell day bcause Elodie would come up with the weirdest and cutest things to bring!

Melissa Braegger said...

Wow, I didn't know Kayla was such a talented artist-that is great. Those Daddy Daughter activities are always so much fun and she will remember it forever.

Rob N Amy said...

THose are some really good drawings. I am impressed. What a fun night.