We went on a tour of the Fire Station with some friends today. My friend Stacey has a preschool group and invited us to go along. It was so much fun! The firemen showed us where they eat, sleep and relax. They talked to the kids about fire safety like "stop, drop and roll", to not be afraid of firemen if they are rescuing you and other safety issues like wearing a helmet when you ride your bike or scooter. Samantha came up to me right away and said "mom I need a helmet" and then sat back down. It was funny but made me realize how important it really is for her to have one when riding her scooter. Some mother I am.
Then they took us outside and showed us the fire truck, they got to climb inside and look around.
Samantha and her friend Jack held hands most of the time. So cute!
Samantha and her friend Jack held hands most of the time. So cute!