Thursday, July 16, 2009

Sedona, AZ

We took a day trip to Sedona yesterday with our friends JJ and Natalie. Jake and I had never been there so we were really looking forward to it! We've heard its known for being one of the most beautiful places in Arizona! I agree!

My pictures don't do them justice so anyone who's never been, you must go!

Our friends JJ and Natalie have 3 kids and their oldest Madelyne who is one year younger than Kayla had such a blast together! They don't see eachother very much but when they do its like they're best friends evertime!

Madelyne rode in our car with us, so much fun!

Samantha was kinda lonely without Kayla sitting by her but she was able to still enjoy herself.
When we got to Sedona we decided to just head up to Slide Rock and picnic there and have some fun playing in the water! We ate a good lunch at one of the picnic tables, changed into our swim suits and walked up to the swimming area. It was really crowded there and the water was freezing!

But that didn't stop Kayla! She immediatley started sliding down the rocks!

At first Samantha didn't like the cold water and slippery rocks, she kept saying "I don't like this place, I wanna go home." :(

But after a while she warmed up to the idea and got in the water. Here she is playing with our friend's two boys.

Time for a family picture!

The girls and I having a fun time!

Madelyne and Kayla having a fun time!

Kayla sliding down the rocks.

As you can see Samantha's not happy. Jake and Samantha were holding hands walking next to the water, he slipped and fell and she fell hitting her face on the rocks! Daddy felt so bad! We decided it was time to go.

Our Friends JJ and Natalie with their kids at Slide Rock.

The valley of Sedona behind us!

On our way out we stopped at this UFO store. It had this creepy looking alien statue by the entrance. We didn't have time to go in but they had that song from the X-Files playing outside!

A alien space ship crashed landed in front of the store while we were there! Ha ha

That was pretty much the end of our trip to Sedona. We hope to go back there and check out the things we missed.


Unknown said...

I miss slide rock!

Kirsten said...

fun! never been there before. (never even heard of the place)

Rob N Amy said...

That sounds like so much fun. I haven't been to slide rock in a long time. Poor samantha hurting her face. She looks sad.

Thatcher Family said...

You've NEVER been to Sedona?? Wow. It IS beautiful isn't it?! It's my favorite place. I told Andrew long ago that I want to buried in the mountains there (in Oak Creek). :P