We went to the Arizona State Fair last Friday and we had a great time! The weather was beautiful! It was a discount day so admission was 1/2 off and the rides and games were a dollar and some of the food was a dollar too! The girls rode a few rides, there favorite was the Ferris Wheel! There were 2 huge Ferris Wheels and we rode on the tallest one! At first they were nervous about it but once we went up to the top, they thought it was so awesome to be able to see everything down below...I just wish I thought of taking a picture! We looked through all the exhibits but we skipped the animals because we ran out of time. We had plans to watch Figure 8 car racing later that evening so we wanted to get there kinda early to get a good seat.
Kayla enjoying a HUGE snow cone!
As you can see, Samantha spilled some of her snow cone, it was just too big for her!
Jake wearing his MANLY green shirt! haha I don't really like this shirt, so I always pick on him for wearing it!
This ride reminded me of the Dumbo ride at Disneyland but its smaller and doesn't go as high.
The girls played on this fun house. They went through 2 of them and this one was the best one. The other one lasted about 5 seconds, I told them it would be real short but they didn't listen to me.
Wheeeee! She looks so funny coming down this slide! LOL
Kayla practicing her farmer skills! haha Its not a real cow!
Samantha squirted a little "milk" on her shorts!
We had fun looking at ourselves in these crazy mirrors! We look like Oompa Loompas in this one!
Kayla, Samantha and I went down this really tall slide. It was a lot of fun!
Samantha rode the carousel
Round and round we go!
Watching Figure 8 car racing! I took this short video and as you can see the cars come really close to crashing into eachother in the middle! Later on there were some crashes, thankfully no injuries.
Samantha had a birthday party with her friends at a park on Sat Oct. 17th. This was her first friend party, I thought it went pretty well, they played and played and ate some snacks and then Samantha opened her presents. She had a lot of fun! But toward the end of the party, one of her friends got sick. Poor thing was throwing up all over herself! I tried my best to clean it off of her shirt and shorts but all I had were some napkins. I felt so bad for her, but she was a real trooper and didn't cry much, then she fell asleep in our lawn chair waiting for her mom to pick her up.
Samantha with her friends, Lexi, Rachel and Jack
Say cheese!
Cupcakes, pretzal goldfish, and Cheeto puffs that make your tongue blue, washed down with Hawaiian punch! Yum!
This is the only picture I took of her opening presents...I took video after this but the file is too big to post. She also got a fish Webkinz and a koala beanie baby, little plastic bugs and lizards, a Snow White figure set, a baby doll and a jump rope.
Today was Samantha's 5th Birthday! I can't believe she's already 5!! She had a pretty fun day! We went to the store and bought some lunch and a little toy for her because I had a coupon for a dollar off of any toy. I didn't want Kayla to feel left out so I bought her a pumpkin cup. So after we ate our lunches at home, some kids came over to play. First it was 2 kids, then a few minutes later 3 more came over! I was feelin' a little nervous with some many kids, I'm only used to 2 at the most come over. But it worked out fine, nothing got broke, nobody got hurt and most importantly the kids had lots of fun!
Since last year, Samantha has requested to go to Chuck E Cheese for her next birthday. I said that was fine so when I looked up to see where the nearest CEC was, it was too far away, well its not like it was a hour away but when Peter Piper Pizza is just down the street, the logical choice is the closer one. So I asked her if PPP would be ok and she said yes. We had a very nice time there, got our food right away and the kids didn't have to wait to play games. After we were done at PPP, we came home and Samantha opened her gifts from us. She loved them, epecially the Littlest Pet Shop! Thats her favorite thing right now!
Shootin' some hoops!
Kayla having some fun!
I was surprised she wanted to play this big kids game!
Littlest Pet Shop!
Make a wish!
We love you Samantha and are so glad you are a part of our family! Happy Birthday sweetie!